




Notice for the Energy Label and EAR Requirements

  • Energy Label

According to Regulation (EU) 2017/1369 and the German Energy Consumption Labelling Act, sellers are required to fulfill certain obligations for designated types of electronic products (the “Energy-efficient Products”) they sell to the European Union.

Energy-efficient Products include household refrigerators and freezers, household washing machines, lighting equipment, household ovens, air conditioners, water heaters, etc. For a full list of Energy-efficient Products, please visit Energy-efficient Products.

“Supplier” means a manufacturer established in the Union, the authorized representative of a manufacturer who is not established in the Union, or an importer, who places a product on the Union market. Suppliers need to provide certain information alongside their products:

  • The products must have an energy efficiency label printed on the packaging. The label is meant to display the energy efficiency of the product according to a certain scale.
  • A product information sheet must be made available together with the product.

Information on the European Authorized Representative (EAR)

According to the EU Regulations on market surveillance and the Guidelines for its practical implementation which has come into force on 16 July 2021, manufacturers based outside of the EU are required to appoint an authorized representative (EAR). It is obligatory to put the name, registered trade name or registered trade mark, and contact details, including the postal address of the EAR on the product or on its packaging, the parcel or an accompanying document. If you don’t do this, your goods may be seized at customs or stopped from further circulation.