
Distance selling
The current threshold in Austria is 35,000 Euro (since 1 January 2011).
Current legal basis
In general, if goods are dispatched or transported from an EU-Member State to Austria by a foreign supplier or on behalf of a foreign supplier to the below-mentioned customers, the supplies of goods are generally taxable where the goods are located at the time when dispatch or transport of the goods to the customer begins.
For distance selling however, there are special rules. Article 3 (3) – (7) Austrian VATAct 1994 stipulates that the place of supply of goods dispatched or transported by or on behalf of the supplier from an EU-Member State to another is the place where the goods are located at the time when dispatch or transport of the goods to the customer ends. Distance selling regime applies to certain types of recipients (especially private individuals as Amazon final consumers).

How to calculate the threshold
The delivery threshold must be calculated separately for each member country. When calculating the delivery threshold, only sales from distance selling regime should be taken into account.
Intra-community deliveries, charges for the delivery of new vehicles, charges for the delivery of excise goods and sales subject to differential taxation are excluded.
Entrepreneurs from other EU countries who deliver to private individuals in Austria must invoice with Austrian sales tax from the following time:
• 1. If the delivery threshold is exceeded in the previous year:billing with Austrian VAT from the 1st turnover of the current year.
• 2. If the delivery threshold is exceeded in the current year:Invoicing with Austrian VAT from the sales with which the delivery threshold was exceeded.
• 1.如果上一年超過遠程閾值35000歐元:從當年的第一筆營業額開始需在奧地利計算奧地利增值稅。
• 2.如果當年超過遠端銷售閾值,則從超過交貨閾值的銷售開始計算奧地利增值稅。
New EU regulation 2021
Please note that the threshold will be generally abolished beginning with 2021. That means from 2021 on distance sales will have to be taxed in each EU member state where the dispatch or transport ends.
Application for a tax account number or a VAT number
Following documents are required for application.
· Verf 19: questionnaire for the assessment procedure
In addition: indication of sales channels (e.g.homepage, catalogue etc.)
Note:distance sellers are usually not allocated a VAT number since they only need a tax account number to account for the VAT due. However, if they need a VAT number, they have to fill in form ‘Verf 19’ giving sufficient reasons for their request.
· Verf 26: specimen signature sheet
· Valid VAT number or certificate of registration as taxable person (entrepreneur) issued by the Tax Office of the country the entrepreneur has established his business in (original)
· Copy of the company statutes
· Copy of the manager’s passport / ID
· Copy of the certificate of registration
注意:遠端銷售商通常稅局不下發增值稅號, 但是,如果他們需要一個增值稅號,則必須填寫“ Verf 19”表格,以充分說明其要求。
·(2)申請簽名表(Verf 26)
Tax Representative
The appointment of a Fiscal Representative is only mandatory if the supplier has no permanent address, seat or fixed establishment in an EUMember State and if there is no appropriate mutual agreement procedure. The fiscal representative has to be an authorized recipient as well.
Disclosure/ Report of Incorrect or Incomplete Tax Declaration
If you have exceeded the Austrian distance selling threshold of EUR 35,000 Euro in previous years, but have not declared these supplies in Austria, you have to subsequently correct this and declare them in Austria. You can either report an incorrect or incomplete tax declaration to the tax authorities or fully disclose these supplies.
Submission of VAT Returns
In Austria there are VAT advance preliminary returns and VAT annual final returns.
· a. Preliminary VAT return

· b. Annual VAT return
